Source code for optking.molsys

import logging
from itertools import combinations, permutations
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import qcelemental as qcel

from . import dimerfrag, frag, v3d
from .addIntcos import add_cartesian_intcos, connectivity_from_distances
from .exceptions import OptError
from .linearAlgebra import symm_mat_inv
from .printTools import print_array_string, print_mat_string
from . import optparams as op
from . import log_name

logger = logging.getLogger(f"{log_name}{__name__}")

[docs] class Molsys(object): def __init__(self, fragments, dimer_intcos=None): """The molecular system consisting of a collection of fragments Parameters ---------- fragments : list[Frag] """ # def __init__(self, fragments, fb_fragments=None, intcos=None, multiplicity=1): # ordinary fragments with internal structure if fragments: self._fragments = fragments else: self._fragments = [] if dimer_intcos: self._dimer_intcos = dimer_intcos else: self._dimer_intcos = [] # fixed body fragments defined by Euler/rotation angles # self._fb_fragments = [] # if fb_fragments: # self._fb_fragments = fb_fragments def __str__(self): s = "" for i, frag in enumerate(self._fragments): s += f"\n\t {'===> Fragment':>40} {i + 1} <== \n" s += str(frag) self.update_dimer_intco_reference_points() if self._dimer_intcos: s += f"\n\t{'==> Dimer Coordinates <==':^80}\n" for dimer in self._dimer_intcos: s += str(dimer) return s
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema(cls, qc_molecule): """Creates optking molecular system from JSON input. Parameters ---------- qc_molecule: dict molecule key in MOLSSI QCSchema see Returns ------- cls: molsys cls consists of list of Frags """ logger.debug("\tGenerating molecular system for optimization from QC Schema.\n") geom = np.asarray(qc_molecule["geometry"]) geom = geom.reshape(-1, 3) z_list = [qcel.periodictable.to_Z(atom) for atom in qc_molecule["symbols"]] masses_list = qc_molecule.get("masses") if masses_list is None: masses_list = [qcel.periodictable.to_mass(atom) for atom in qc_molecule["symbols"]] frags = [] if "fragments" in qc_molecule: for fr in qc_molecule["fragments"]: frags.append(frag.Frag(np.array(z_list)[fr], geom[fr], np.array(masses_list)[fr])) else: frags.append(frag.Frag(z_list, geom, masses_list)) return cls(frags)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_psi4(mol): """Creates a optking molecular system from psi4 mol. Note that not all information is preserved. Parameters ---------- mol: object psi4 mol Returns ------- cls : optking molecular system: list of fragments """ import psi4 logger.debug("\tConverting psi4 molecular system to schema") if not isinstance(mol, psi4.core.Molecule): logger.critical("from_psi4 cannot handle a non psi4 molecule") raise OptError("Cannot make molecular system from this molecule") qc_mol = mol.to_schema(dtype=2) qc_mol.update({"fix_com": True, "fix_orientation": True}) opt_mol = Molsys.from_schema(qc_mol) return opt_mol, qc_mol
[docs] def to_schema(self): mol_dict = { "symbols": self.atom_symbols, "geometry": self.geom.flat, "atomic_numbers": self.Z, "mass_numbers": self.masses, "fix_com": True, "fix_orientation": True, } return qcel.models.Molecule(**mol_dict)
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = { "fragments": [f.to_dict() for f in self._fragments], "dimer_intcos": [di.to_dict() for di in self._dimer_intcos], } return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): if "fragments" not in d: raise OptError("'fragments' key missing from input dict") frags = [frag.Frag.from_dict(F) for F in d["fragments"]] if "dimer_intcos" in d: dimers = [dimerfrag.DimerFrag.from_dict(DF) for DF in d["dimer_intcos"]] else: dimers = None return cls(frags, dimers)
@property def natom(self) -> int: return sum(fragment.natom for fragment in self._fragments) @property def nfragments(self) -> int: return len(self._fragments) # return len(self._fragments) + len(self._fb_fragments) @property def frag_natoms(self) -> List[int]: return [fragment.natom for fragment in self._fragments] @property def fragments(self) -> List[frag.Frag]: return self._fragments @property def dimer_intcos(self) -> List[dimerfrag.DimerFrag]: return self._dimer_intcos @property def dimer_psuedo_frags(self) -> List[frag.Frag]: return [dimer.pseudo_frag for dimer in self._dimer_intcos] @property def all_fragments(self): return self._fragments + self.dimer_psuedo_frags # @property # def intcos(self): # """ Collect intcos for all fragments. Add dimer coords to end. # Returns # ------- # """ # logger.warning("""This method is currently implemented as a last resort used as a last # resort. Should be safe assuming no dimer coordinates, otherwise unknown.""") # coords = [coord for f in self._fragments for coord in f.intcos] # for d_coord in self.dimer_intcos: # coords.append(d_coord) # return coords @property def intco_lbls(self): lbls = [str(coord) for f in self._fragments for coord in f.intcos] for DI in self.dimer_intcos: for coord in DI.pseudo_frag.intcos: lbls.append("Dimer({:d},{:d})".format(DI.A_idx + 1, DI.B_idx + 1) + str(coord)) return lbls # Return overall index of first atom in fragment, beginning 0,1,... # For last fragment returns one past the end.
[docs] def frag_1st_atom(self, iF): if iF > len(self._fragments): return ValueError() start = 0 for i in range(0, iF): start += self._fragments[i].natom return start
[docs] def frag_atom_range(self, iF): start = self.frag_1st_atom(iF) return range(start, start + self._fragments[iF].natom)
[docs] def frag_atom_slice(self, iF): start = self.frag_1st_atom(iF) return slice(start, start + self._fragments[iF].natom)
# accepts absolute atom index, returns fragment index
[docs] def atom2frag_index(self, atom_index): for iF in range(self.nfragments): if atom_index in self.frag_atom_range(iF): return iF raise OptError("atom2frag_index: atom_index impossibly large")
# Given a list of atoms, return all the fragments to which they belong
[docs] def atom_list2unique_frag_list(self, atomList): fragList = [] for a in atomList: f = self.atom2frag_index(a) if f not in fragList: fragList.append(f) return fragList
@property def geom(self): """cartesian geometry [a0]""" geom = np.zeros((self.natom, 3)) for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): row = self.frag_1st_atom(iF) geom[row : (row + F.natom), :] = F.geom return geom @geom.setter def geom(self, newgeom): """setter for geometry""" for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): row = self.frag_1st_atom(iF) F.geom[:] = newgeom[row : (row + F.natom), :]
[docs] def frag_geom(self, iF): """cartesian geometry for fragment i""" return self._fragments[iF].geom
# return copy instead? # using in displace_molsys @property def masses(self): m = np.zeros(self.natom) for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): m[self.frag_atom_slice(iF)] = F.masses return m @property def Z(self): z = [0 for i in range(self.natom)] for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): first = self.frag_1st_atom(iF) z[first : (first + F.natom)] = F.Z return z # Needed? may make more sense to loop over fragments # @property # def intcos(self): # _intcos = [] # for F in self._fragments: # _intcos += F.intcos # return _intcos @property def num_intcos(self) -> int: nintco_list = [f.num_intcos for f in self.all_fragments] return sum(nintco_list) @property def num_intrafrag_intcos(self): nintco_list = [f.num_intcos for f in self.fragments] return sum(nintco_list) @property def intcos_present(self): for fragment in self.all_fragments: if fragment.intcos: return True return False @property def frozen_intco_list(self): """Determine vector with 1 for any frozen internal coordinate""" frozen = np.zeros(self.num_intcos, dtype=bool) cnt = 0 for f in self.all_fragments: for intco in f.intcos: if intco.frozen: frozen[cnt] = True cnt += 1 return frozen @property def ranged_intco_list(self): ranged = np.zeros(self.num_intcos, dtype=bool) cnt = 0 for f in self.all_fragments: for intco in f.intcos: if intco.ranged: ranged[cnt] = True cnt += 1 return ranged # Used to zero out forces. For any ranged intco, indicate frozen if # within 0.1% of boundary and its corresponding force is in that direction. # Add an additional check to zero the force of a coordinate outside its range to zero
[docs] def ranged_frozen_intco_list(self, fq): """Determine vector with 1 for any ranged intco that is at its limit""" qvals = self.q() frozen = np.zeros(self.num_intcos, dtype=bool) cnt = 0 for f in self.all_fragments: for intco in f.intcos: if intco.ranged: tol = 0.001 * (intco.range_max - intco.range_min) if np.fabs(qvals[cnt] - intco.range_max) < tol and fq[cnt] > 0 or qvals[cnt] > intco.range_max: frozen[cnt] = True elif np.fabs(qvals[cnt] - intco.range_min) < tol and fq[cnt] < 0 or qvals[cnt] < intco.range_min: frozen[cnt] = True cnt += 1 return frozen
[docs] def constraint_matrix(self, fq): """Returns constraint matrix with 1 on diagonal for frozen coordinates. Tis method used to check for forces being passed in but wasn't being used. Forces now need to be passed in """ frozen = self.frozen_intco_list range_frozen = self.ranged_frozen_intco_list(fq) frozen = np.logical_or(frozen, range_frozen) if np.any(frozen): return np.diagflat(frozen) else: return None
# returns the index of the first internal coordinate belonging to fragment
[docs] def frag_1st_intco(self, iF): if iF >= len(self._fragments): return ValueError() start = 0 for i in range(0, iF): start += self._fragments[i].num_intcos return start
[docs] def frag_intco_range(self, iF): start = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) return range(start, start + self._fragments[iF].num_intcos)
[docs] def frag_intco_slice(self, iF): start = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) return slice(start, start + self._fragments[iF].num_intcos)
# Given the index i looping through the list of dimer coordinate (sets), # returns the total intco row number for the first/start of the dimer coordinate.
[docs] def dimerfrag_1st_intco(self, iDI): # we assume the intrafragment coordinates come first N = sum(F.num_intcos for F in self._fragments) for i in range(0, iDI): N += self._dimer_intcos[i].num_intcos return N
[docs] def dimerfrag_intco_range(self, iDI): start = self.dimerfrag_1st_intco(iDI) return range(start, start + self._dimer_intcos[iDI].num_intcos)
[docs] def dimerfrag_intco_slice(self, iDI): start = self.dimerfrag_1st_intco(iDI) return slice(start, start + self._dimer_intcos[iDI].num_intcos)
[docs] def print_intcos(self): for frag_index, frag in enumerate(self.all_fragments):"Fragment %d\n", frag_index + 1) frag.print_intcos()
# If connectivity is provided, only intrafragment connections # are used. Interfragment connections are ignored here. # def add_intcos_from_connectivity(self, C=None): # for F in self._fragments: # if C is None: # C = F.connectivity_from_distances() # F.add_intcos_from_connectivity(C)
[docs] def add_cartesian_intcos(self): for F in self._fragments: add_cartesian_intcos(F._intcos, F._geom)
[docs] def print_geom(self): """Returns a string of the geometry for logging in [a0]""" for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments):"\tFragment %d\n" % (iF + 1)) F.print_geom()
[docs] def show_geom(self): """Return a string of the geometry in [A]""" molsys_geometry = "" for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): molsys_geometry += "\tFragment {:d} (Ang)\n\n".format(iF + 1) molsys_geometry += F.show_geom() return molsys_geometry
@property def atom_symbols(self): symbol_list = [] for F in self._fragments: symbol_list += F.get_atom_symbol_list() return symbol_list @property def fragments_atom_list(self): l = [] for iF in range(self.nfragments): fl = [i for i in self.frag_atom_range(iF)] l.append(fl) return l
[docs] def q(self): """Returns internal coordinate values in au as list.""" vals = [] for F in self._fragments: vals += F.q() self.update_dimer_intco_reference_points() for DI in self._dimer_intcos: vals += DI.q() return vals
[docs] def q_array(self): """Returns internal coordinate values in au as array.""" return np.asarray(self.q())
[docs] def q_show(self): """returns internal coordinates values in Angstroms/degrees as list.""" vals = [] for F in self._fragments: vals += F.q_show() for DI in self._dimer_intcos: vals += DI.q_show() return vals
[docs] def q_show_array(self): """returns internal coordinates values in Angstroms/degrees as array.""" return np.asarray(self.q_show())
[docs] def consolidate_fragments(self): if self.nfragments == 1: return"\tConsolidating multiple fragments into one for optimization.") Z = self._fragments[0].Z g = self._fragments[0].geom m = self._fragments[0].masses for i in range(1, self.nfragments): Z = np.concatenate((Z, self._fragments[i].Z)) g = np.concatenate((g, self._fragments[i].geom)) m = np.concatenate((m, self._fragments[i].masses)) # self._fragments.append(consolidatedFrag) del self._fragments[:] consolidatedFrag = frag.Frag(Z, g, m) self._fragments.append(consolidatedFrag)
[docs] def split_fragments_by_connectivity(self): """Split any fragment not connected by bond connectivity.""" tempZ = np.copy(self.Z) tempGeom = np.copy(self.geom) tempMasses = np.copy(self.masses) newFragments = [] for F in self._fragments: C = connectivity_from_distances(F.geom, F.Z) atomsToAllocate = list(reversed(range(F.natom))) while atomsToAllocate: frag_atoms = [atomsToAllocate.pop()] more_found = True while more_found: more_found = False addAtoms = [] for A in frag_atoms: for B in atomsToAllocate: if C[A, B]: if B not in addAtoms: addAtoms.append(B) more_found = True for a in addAtoms: frag_atoms.append(a) atomsToAllocate.remove(a) frag_atoms.sort() subNatom = len(frag_atoms) subZ = [0] * subNatom subGeom = np.zeros((subNatom, 3)) subMasses = [0] * subNatom for i, I in enumerate(frag_atoms): subZ[i] = tempZ[I] subGeom[i, 0:3] = tempGeom[I, 0:3] subMasses[i] = tempMasses[I] newFragments.append(frag.Frag(subZ, subGeom, subMasses)) del self._fragments[:] self._fragments = newFragments
[docs] def purge_interfragment_connectivity(self, C): for f1, f2 in permutations([i for i in range(self.nfragments)], 2): for a in self.frag_atom_range(f1): for b in self.frag_atom_range(f2): C[a, b] = 0.0 return
# Supplements a connectivity matrix to connect all fragments. Assumes the # definition of the fragments has ALREADY been determined before function called.
[docs] def augment_connectivity_to_single_fragment(self, C): logger.debug("\tAugmenting connectivity matrix to join fragments.") fragAtoms = [] geom = self.geom for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): fragAtoms.append(range(self.frag_1st_atom(iF), self.frag_1st_atom(iF) + F.natom)) # Which fragments are connected? nF = self.nfragments if self.nfragments == 1: return frag_connectivity = np.zeros((nF, nF)) for iF in range(nF): frag_connectivity[iF, iF] = 1 Z = self.Z scale_dist = 1.3 all_connected = False while not all_connected: for f2 in range(nF): for f1 in range(f2): if frag_connectivity[f1][f2]: continue # already connected minVal = 1.0e12 # Find closest 2 atoms between fragments. for f1_atom in fragAtoms[f1]: for f2_atom in fragAtoms[f2]: tval = v3d.dist(geom[f1_atom], geom[f2_atom]) if tval < minVal: minVal = tval i = f1_atom j = f2_atom Rij = v3d.dist(geom[i], geom[j]) R_i = qcel.covalentradii.get(Z[i], missing=4.0) R_j = qcel.covalentradii.get(Z[j], missing=4.0) if Rij > scale_dist * (R_i + R_j): # ignore this as too far - for starters. may have A-B-C situation. continue"\tConnecting fragments with atoms %d and %d" % (i + 1, j + 1)) C[i][j] = C[j][i] = True frag_connectivity[f1][f2] = frag_connectivity[f2][f1] = True # Now check for possibly symmetry-related atoms which are just as close # We need them all to avoid symmetry breaking. for f1_atom in fragAtoms[f1]: for f2_atom in fragAtoms[f2]: if f1_atom == i and f2_atom == j: # already have this one continue tval = v3d.dist(geom[f1_atom], geom[f2_atom]) if np.fabs(tval - minVal) < 1.0e-10: i = f1_atom j = f2_atom"\tAlso, with atoms %d and %d\n" % (i + 1, j + 1)) C[i][j] = C[j][i] = True # Test whether all frags are connected using current distance threshold if np.sum(frag_connectivity[0]) == nF:"\tAll fragments are connected in connectivity matrix.") all_connected = True else: scale_dist += 0.2"\tIncreasing scaling to %6.3f to connect fragments." % scale_dist) return
[docs] def distance_matrix(self): xyz = self.geom R = np.zeros((self.natom, self.natom)) for i, j in combinations(range(self.natom), r=2): R[i, j] = R[j, i] = v3d.dist(xyz[i], xyz[j]) return R
# Given fragment numbers A and B, determine the closest two atoms between # the fragments; return the local/fragment index for both.
[docs] def closest_atoms_between_2_frags(self, A, B): self.distance_matrix() fragAtoms = self.fragments_atom_list closestR = 1e10 R = self.distance_matrix() for f1_atom in fragAtoms[A]: for f2_atom in fragAtoms[B]: if R[f1_atom, f2_atom] < closestR: closestR = R[f1_atom, f2_atom] save = (f1_atom, f2_atom) return save[0] - self.frag_1st_atom(A), save[1] - self.frag_1st_atom(B)
[docs] def clear(self): self._fragments.clear()
# self._fb_fragments.clear()
[docs] def update_dimer_intco_reference_points(self): for DI in self._dimer_intcos: xA = self.frag_geom(DI.A_idx) xB = self.frag_geom(DI.B_idx) DI.update_reference_geometry(xA, xB)
[docs] def update_dihedral_orientations(self): """See description in Fragment class.""" for F in self._fragments: F.update_dihedral_orientations() self.update_dimer_intco_reference_points() for DI in self._dimer_intcos: DI.pseudo_frag.update_dihedral_orientations()
[docs] def fix_bend_axes(self): """See description in Fragment class.""" for F in self._fragments: F.fix_bend_axes() self.update_dimer_intco_reference_points() for DI in self._dimer_intcos: DI.pseudo_frag.fix_bend_axes()
[docs] def unfix_bend_axes(self): """See description in Fragment class.""" for F in self._fragments: F.unfix_bend_axes() for DI in self._dimer_intcos: DI.pseudo_frag.unfix_bend_axes()
[docs] def interfrag_dq_discontinuity_correction(self, dq): for iDI, DI in enumerate(self._dimer_intcos): DI.dq_discontinuity_correction(dq[self.dimerfrag_intco_slice(iDI)])
# Returns mass-weighted Bmatrix if use_masses is True.
[docs] def Bmat(self, massWeight=False): # Allocate memory for full system. Nint = self.num_intcos Ncart = 3 * self.natom B = np.zeros((Nint, Ncart)) for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): fB = F.Bmat() cart_offset = 3 * self.frag_1st_atom(iF) intco_offset = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) for i in range(F.num_intcos): for xyz in range(3 * F.natom): B[intco_offset + i, cart_offset + xyz] = fB[i, xyz] if self._dimer_intcos: # xyz = self.geom for i, DI in enumerate(self._dimer_intcos): # print('Aidx:' + str(DI.A_idx) ) A1stAtom = self.frag_1st_atom(DI.A_idx) B1stAtom = self.frag_1st_atom(DI.B_idx) Axyz = self.frag_geom(DI.A_idx) Bxyz = self.frag_geom(DI.B_idx) DI.Bmat(Axyz, Bxyz, B[self.dimerfrag_intco_slice(i)], 3 * A1stAtom, 3 * B1stAtom) # column offsets if massWeight: sqrtm = np.broadcast_to(np.repeat(np.sqrt(self.masses), 3), (Nint, Ncart)) B[:] = np.divide(B, sqrtm) return B
[docs] def q_show_forces(self, forces): """Returns scaled forces as array.""" c = [intco.f_show_factor for f in self.all_fragments for intco in f.intcos] c = np.asarray(c) qaJ = c * forces return qaJ
[docs] def Gmat(self, massWeight=False): """Calculates BuB^T (calculates B matrix) Parameters ---------- masses : List, optional """ B = self.Bmat(massWeight) return, B.T)
[docs] def gradient_to_internals(self, g_x, coeff=1.0, B=None, useMasses=False): """Transform cartesian gradient to internals Parameters ---------- g_x : np.ndarray (3nat, 1) cartesian gradient coeff : float prefactor coefficient; -1 for forces B : np.ndarray, optional B matrix to use useMasses : boolean instead of identity, use u = 1/masses in transformation Returns ------- ndarray gradient in internal coordinates (coeff==1) Notes ----- g_q = (BuB^T)^(-1)*B*g_x """ if not self.intcos_present or self.natom == 0: return np.zeros(0) if B is None: B = self.Bmat() if useMasses: u = np.diag(np.repeat(1.0 / self.masses, 3)) G =, u), B.T) Ginv = symm_mat_inv(G, redundant=True) g_q = coeff *, B), u), g_x) else: G =, B.T) Ginv = symm_mat_inv(G, redundant=True) g_q = coeff *, B), g_x) return g_q
[docs] def hessian_to_internals(self, H, g_x=None, useMasses=False): """converts the hessian from cartesian coordinates into internal coordinates Hq = A^t (Hxy - Kxy) A, where K_xy = sum_q ( grad_q[I] d^2(q_I)/(dx dy) and A = (BuB^t)^-1 Bu Parameters ---------- H : np.ndarray Hessian in cartesians g_x : np.ndarray (nat, 3) gradient in cartesians (optional) massWeight : boolean whether to keep arbitrary transformation matrix u=I or use 1/mass_i as in spectroscopy or cases where rotations/translations matter. Returns ------- Hq : np.ndarray hessian in internal coordinates """"Converting Hessian from cartesians to internals.") B = self.Bmat() if useMasses: u = np.diag(np.repeat(1.0 / self.masses, 3)) G =, u), B.T) Ginv = symm_mat_inv(G, redundant=True) Atranspose =, B), u) else: G =, B.T) Ginv = symm_mat_inv(G, redundant=True) Atranspose =, B) Hworking = H.copy() if g_x is None: # A^t Hxy A"Neglecting force/B-matrix derivative term, only correct at stationary points.") else: # A^t (Hxy - Kxy) A; K_xy = sum_q ( grad_q[I] d^2(q_I)/(dx dy) )"Including force/B-matrix derivative term.\n") g_q = self.gradient_to_internals(g_x, useMasses=useMasses) for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): dq2dx2 = np.zeros((3 * F.natom, 3 * F.natom)) geom = F.geom # Find start index for this fragment cart_offset = 3 * self.frag_1st_atom(iF) intco_offset = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) for iIntco, Intco in enumerate(F.intcos): dq2dx2[:] = 0 Intco.Dq2Dx2(geom, dq2dx2) # d^2(q_I)/ dx_i dx_j # Loop over Cartesian pairs in fragment for a in range(3 * F.natom): for b in range(3 * F.natom): Hworking[cart_offset + a, cart_offset + b] -= g_q[intco_offset + iIntco] * dq2dx2[a, b] # TODO: dimer coordinates, akin to this if self._dimer_intcos: raise NotImplementedError("transformations with dimer gradients") # if self._dimer_intcos: # # xyz = self.geom # for i, DI in enumerate(self._dimer_intcos): # # print('Aidx:' + str(DI.A_idx) ) # A1stAtom = self.frag_1st_atom(DI.A_idx) # B1stAtom = self.frag_1st_atom(DI.B_idx) # Axyz = self.frag_geom(DI.A_idx) # Bxyz = self.frag_geom(DI.B_idx) # DI.Bmat(Axyz, Bxyz, B[self.dimerfrag_intco_slice(i)], # A1stAtom, 3 * B1stAtom) # column offsets Hq =,, Atranspose.T)) return Hq
[docs] def project_redundancies_and_constraints(self, fq, H): """Project redundancies and constraints out of forces and Hessian""" Nint = self.num_intcos # compute projection matrix = G G^-1 G = self.Gmat() G_inv = symm_mat_inv(G, redundant=True, smallValLimit=op.Params.bt_pinv_rcond) Pprime = G @ G_inv # Add constraints to projection matrix # fq is passed to Supplement matrix with ranged variables that are at their limit C = self.constraint_matrix(fq) # returns None, if aren't any if C is not None: logger.debug("Adding constraints for projection.\n" + print_mat_string(C)) CPC = C @ Pprime @ C CPCInv = symm_mat_inv(CPC, redundant=True, smallValLimit=op.Params.bt_pinv_rcond) P = Pprime - Pprime @ C @ CPCInv @ C @ Pprime else: P = Pprime # Project redundancies out of forces. # fq~ = P fq fq = P @ fq.T # if op.Params.print_lvl >= 3: logger.debug( "\n\tInternal forces in au, after projection of redundancies" + " and constraints.\n" + print_array_string(fq) ) # Project redundancies out of Hessian matrix. # Peng, Ayala, Schlegel, JCC 1996 give H -> PHP + 1000(1-P) # The second term appears unnecessary and sometimes messes up Hessian updating. H_new = P @ H @ P # H += 1000 * (1 - P) # The above projection of constraints shouldn't automatically remove external and ranged # coordinates from the forces (sometimes it should) but we should remove these coordinates from # the hessian. These coordinates are not updated in the hessian update but this makes # sure that the projection doesn't add coupling constants involving frozen coordinates ranged = self.ranged_intco_list C = np.diagflat(ranged) for i in range(len(fq)): if C[i, i] == 1: tmp = H[i, i].copy() H_new[i, :] = H_new[:, i] = np.zeros(len(fq)) H_new[i, i] = tmp if H.size:"Projected (PHP) Hessian matrix\n" + print_mat_string(H)) return fq, H_new
[docs] def apply_external_forces(self, fq, H): # TODO after sympy integration. Update Hessian with the symbolic second derivative report = "Adding external forces\n" for iF, F in enumerate(self.fragments): for i, intco in enumerate(F.intcos): if intco.has_ext_force: val = intco.q_show(self.geom) ext_force = intco.ext_force_val(self.geom) location = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) + i fq[location] += ext_force report += "Frag {:d}, Coord {:d}, Value {:10.5f}, Force {:12.6f}\n".format( iF + 1, i + 1, val, ext_force ) # modify Hessian later ? # H[location][location] = k # Delete coupling between this coordinate and others. #"\t\tRemoving off-diagonal coupling between coordinate" # + "%d and others." % (location + 1)) # for j in range(len(H)): # gives first dimension length # if j != location: # H[j][location] = H[location][j] = 0.0 if "Frag" in report: return fq, H
[docs] def hessian_to_cartesians(self, Hint, g_q=None):"Converting Hessian from internals to cartesians.\n") B = self.Bmat() # Hxy = B^t Hij B Hxy =,, B)) if g_q is None: # Hxy = B^t Hij B s = "Neglecting force/B-matrix derivative term, result is only " s += "strictly correct at stationary points.\n" else: # Hxy += dE/dq_I d2(q_I)/dxdy"Including force/B-matrix derivative term.\n") for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments): dq2dx2 = np.zeros((3 * F.natom, 3 * F.natom)) geom = F.geom cart_offset = 3 * self.frag_1st_atom(iF) intco_offset = self.frag_1st_intco(iF) for iIntco, Intco in enumerate(F.intcos): dq2dx2[:] = 0 Intco.Dq2Dx2(geom, dq2dx2) # d^2(q_I)/ dx_i dx_j # Loop over Cartesian pairs in fragment for a in range(3 * F.natom): for b in range(3 * F.natom): Hxy[cart_offset + a, cart_offset + b] += g_q[intco_offset + iIntco] * dq2dx2[a, b] # TODO: dimer coordinates if self._dimer_intcos: raise NotImplementedError("transformations with dimer gradients") return Hxy
[docs] def gradient_to_cartesians(self, g_q): """converts the gradient from internal into Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- g_q : ndarray internal coordinate gradient Returns ------- g_x : ndarray Cartesian coordinate gradient """ logger.debug("Converting gradient from internals to Cartesians.\n") B = self.Bmat() g_x =, g_q) return g_x
[docs] def test_Bmat(self): """Test the analytic B matrix (dq/dx) via finite differences. The 5-point formula should be good to DISP_SIZE^4 - a few unfortunates will be slightly worse. Returns ------- passes : boolean Returns True or False, doesn't raise exceptions """ Natom = self.natom Nintco = self.num_intcos DISP_SIZE = 0.01 MAX_ERROR = 50 * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE"\tTesting B-matrix numerically...") B_analytic = self.Bmat() if op.Params.print_lvl >= 3: logger.debug("Analytic B matrix in au") logger.debug(print_mat_string(B_analytic)) B_fd = np.zeros((Nintco, 3 * Natom)) self.update_dihedral_orientations() self.fix_bend_axes() geom_orig = self.geom # to restore below coord = self.geom # returns a copy for atom in range(Natom): for xyz in range(3): coord[atom, xyz] -= DISP_SIZE self.geom = coord q_m = np.array(self.q()) coord[atom, xyz] -= DISP_SIZE self.geom = coord q_m2 = np.array(self.q()) coord[atom, xyz] += 3 * DISP_SIZE self.geom = coord q_p = np.array(self.q()) coord[atom, xyz] += DISP_SIZE self.geom = coord q_p2 = np.array(self.q()) coord[atom, xyz] -= 2 * DISP_SIZE # restore to original B_fd[:, 3 * atom + xyz] = (q_m2 - 8 * q_m + 8 * q_p - q_p2) / (12.0 * DISP_SIZE) if op.Params.print_lvl >= 3: logger.debug("Numerical B matrix in au, DISP_SIZE = %lf\n" % DISP_SIZE + print_mat_string(B_fd)) self.geom = geom_orig # restore original self.unfix_bend_axes() # max_error = -1.0 # max_error_intco = -1 # for i in range(Nintco): # for j in range(3 * Natom): # if np.fabs(B_analytic[i, j] - B_fd[i, j]) > max_error: # max_error = np.fabs(B_analytic[i][j] - B_fd[i][j]) # max_error_intco = i B_delta = np.fabs(B_analytic - B_fd) max_index = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(B_delta), B_delta.shape) max_error_intco = max_index[0] max_error = B_delta[max_index]"\t\tMaximum difference is %.1e for internal coordinate %d." % (max_error, max_error_intco + 1)) #"\t\tThis coordinate is %s" % str(intcos[max_error_intco])) if max_error > MAX_ERROR: logger.warning( "\tB-matrix could be in error. However, numerical tests may fail for\n" + "\ttorsions at 180 degrees, and slightly for linear bond angles." + "This is OK.\n" ) return False else:"\t...Passed.") return True
# Test the analytic derivative B matrix (d2q/dx2) via finite differences # The 5-point formula should be good to DISP_SIZE^4 - # a few unfortunates will be slightly worse
[docs] def test_derivative_Bmat(self): """Test the analytic derivative B matrix (d2q/dx2) via finite differences. The 5-point formula should be good to DISP_SIZE^4 - a few unfortunates will be slightly worse. Returns ------- passes : boolean Returns True or False, doesn't raise exceptions """ from . import intcosMisc DISP_SIZE = 0.01 MAX_ERROR = 10 * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE * DISP_SIZE geom_orig = self.geom # to restore below"\tTesting Derivative B-matrix numerically.") if self._dimer_intcos:"\tDerivative B-matrix for interfragment modes not yet implemented.") warn = False for iF, F in enumerate(self._fragments):"\t\tTesting fragment %d." % (iF + 1)) Natom = F.natom Nintco = F.num_intcos coord = F.geom # not a copy dq2dx2_fd = np.zeros((3 * Natom, 3 * Natom)) dq2dx2_analytic = np.zeros((3 * Natom, 3 * Natom)) for i, I in enumerate(F._intcos):"\t\tTesting internal coordinate %d :" % (i + 1)) dq2dx2_analytic.fill(0) I.Dq2Dx2(coord, dq2dx2_analytic) if op.Params.print_lvl >= 3:"Analytic B' (Dq2Dx2) matrix in au\n" + print_mat_string(dq2dx2_analytic)) # compute B' matrix from B matrices for atom_a in range(Natom): for xyz_a in range(3): coord[atom_a, xyz_a] += DISP_SIZE B_p = intcosMisc.Bmat(F.intcos, coord) coord[atom_a, xyz_a] += DISP_SIZE B_p2 = intcosMisc.Bmat(F.intcos, coord) coord[atom_a, xyz_a] -= 3.0 * DISP_SIZE B_m = intcosMisc.Bmat(F.intcos, coord) coord[atom_a, xyz_a] -= DISP_SIZE B_m2 = intcosMisc.Bmat(F.intcos, coord) coord[atom_a, xyz_a] += 2 * DISP_SIZE # restore coord to orig for atom_b in range(Natom): for xyz_b in range(3): dq2dx2_fd[3 * atom_a + xyz_a, 3 * atom_b + xyz_b] = ( B_m2[i, 3 * atom_b + xyz_b] - 8 * B_m[i, 3 * atom_b + xyz_b] + 8 * B_p[i, 3 * atom_b + xyz_b] - B_p2[i][3 * atom_b + xyz_b] ) / (12.0 * DISP_SIZE) if op.Params.print_lvl >= 3: "\nNumerical B' (Dq2Dx2) matrix in au, DISP_SIZE = %f\n" % DISP_SIZE + print_mat_string(dq2dx2_fd) ) max_error = -1.0 max_error_xyz = (-1, -1) for I in range(3 * Natom): for J in range(3 * Natom): if np.fabs(dq2dx2_analytic[I, J] - dq2dx2_fd[I, J]) > max_error: max_error = np.fabs(dq2dx2_analytic[I][J] - dq2dx2_fd[I][J]) max_error_xyz = (I, J) "\t\tMax. difference is %.1e; 2nd derivative wrt %d and %d." % (max_error, max_error_xyz[0], max_error_xyz[1]) ) if max_error > MAX_ERROR: warn = True self.geom = geom_orig # restore original self.unfix_bend_axes() if warn: logger.warning( """ \tSome values did not agree. However, numerical tests may fail for \ttorsions at 180 degrees and linear bond angles. This is OK \tIf discontinuities are interfering with a geometry optimization \ttry restarting your optimization at an updated geometry, and/or \tremove angular coordinates that are fixed by symmetry.""" ) return False else:"\t...Passed.") return True