Source code for optking.opt_helper

Helpers to provide high-level interfaces for optking.  The Helpers allow individual steps to be taken easily.
EngineHelper runs calculations through QCEngine. CustomHelper adds the abilility to directly input gradients.

import logging
import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from optking.IRCfollowing import IntrinsicReactionCoordinate
import qcelemental as qcel

from . import compute_wrappers, hessian, history, molsys, optwrapper
from .convcheck import conv_check
from .exceptions import OptError, AlgError
from .optimize import get_pes_info, make_internal_coords, optimize, prepare_opt_output, OptimizationManager
from .misc import import_psi4
from .printTools import print_geom_grad, welcome
from . import optparams as op
from . import log_name

logger = logging.getLogger(f"{log_name}{__name__}")

[docs] class Helper(ABC): """ Base class for CustomHelper (accepts user provided gradients) and EngineHelper (uses MolSSI's QCEngine for gradients) A step may be taken by setting the class attributes gX and E, then calling the compute() and take_step() methods. The class attribute HX may also be set at any time as desired, if this is not set then optking will perform its normal update/guess procedure. If full_hess_every has been set, the optimizer will require that hessians be provided every n steps. The properties required by the optimizer can be queried by calling get_requirements() test_convergence may be used to determine compliance with optking's convergence criteria Optking will create a OptimizationResult as output in this process. This will be written upon calling close() """ def __init__(self, params={}, **kwargs): """Initialize options. Still need a molecule to create molsys and computer""" optwrapper.initialize_options(params, silent=kwargs.get("silent", False)) self.params = op.Params compute_wrappers.ComputeWrapper self.step_num = 0 # The following are not used before being computed: self._Hq: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.HX: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.gX: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.fq: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.dq: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.new_geom: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None self.E: Union[float, None] = None self.step_str = None self.opt_input: Union[dict, None] self.molsys: Union[molsys.Molsys, None] = None self.history = history.History(self.params) self.opt_manager: OptimizationManager
[docs] def pre_step_str(self): """Returns a formatted string to summarize molecular system before taking a step or calling compute""" string = "" string += welcome() string += str(self.molsys) return string
[docs] def post_step_str(self): """Returns a formatted string to summarize the step taken after calling take_step()""" string = "" string += self.step_str if self.step_str is not None else "" energies = [step.E for step in self.history.steps] status = self.status(str_mode="both") step_type = "irc" if self.params.opt_type == "IRC" else "standard" conv_info = { "step_type": step_type, "energies": energies, "dq": self.dq, "fq": self.fq, "iternum": self.step_num, } if status == "CONVERGED" and len(energies) > 0: if self.params.opt_type != "IRC": conv_table, criteria_table = conv_check(conv_info, self.params.__dict__, str_mode="both") string += conv_table string += criteria_table string += self.history.summary_string() else: string += self.opt_manager.opt_method.irc_history.progress_report(return_str=True) elif "FAILED" not in status and len(energies) > 0: if self.params.opt_type == "IRC": irc_object: IntrinsicReactionCoordinate = self.opt_manager.opt_method conv_info["sub_step_num"] = irc_object.sub_step_number conv_info["iternum"] = irc_object.irc_step_number conv_info["fq"] = irc_object.irc_history._project_forces(self.fq, self.molsys) string += conv_check(conv_info, self.params.__dict__, str_mode="table") string += "Next Geometry in Ang \n" string += self.molsys.show_geom() return string
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = { "step_num": self.step_num, "params": self.params.__dict__, "molsys": self.molsys.to_dict(), "history": self.history.to_dict(), "computer":, "hessian": self._Hq, "opt_input": self.opt_input, "opt_manager": self.opt_manager.to_dict(), } return d
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """Construct as far as possible the helper. Child class will need to update computer""" # creates the initial configuration of the OptHelper. Some options might # have changed over the course of the optimization (eg trust radius) helper = cls(d.get("opt_input"), params={}, silent=True) helper.params = op.OptParams.from_internal_dict(d.get("params")) op.Params = helper.params # update with current information helper.molsys = molsys.Molsys.from_dict(d.get("molsys")) helper.history = history.History.from_dict(d.get("history")) helper.step_num = d.get("step_num") helper.irc_step_num = d.get("irc_step_num") helper._Hq = d.get("hessian") return helper
[docs] def build_coordinates(self): """Create coordinates for optimization. print to logger""" make_internal_coords(self.molsys, self.params)
[docs] def show(self):"Molsys:\n" + str(self.molsys)) return
@abstractmethod def _compute(self): """get energy gradient and hessian"""
[docs] def compute(self): """Get the energy, gradient, and hessian. Project redundancies and apply constraints / forces""" if not self.molsys.intcos_present: # opt_manager.molsys is the same object as this molsys make_internal_coords(self.molsys, self.params) logger.debug("Molecular system after make_internal_coords:") self._compute()"\n\t%s", print_geom_grad(self.geom, self.gX))
[docs] def take_step(self): """Must call compute before calling this method. Takes the next step.""" self.opt_manager.error = None try: self.dq, self.step_str = self.opt_manager.take_step(self.fq, self._Hq, self.E, return_str=True) except AlgError as e: self.opt_manager.alg_error_handler(e) self.new_geom = self.molsys.geom self.step_num += 1 self.opt_manager.step_number += 1 return self.dq
[docs] def test_convergence(self, str_mode=None): """Check the final two steps for convergence. If the algorithm uses linesearching, linesearches are not considered Returns ------- bool """ return self.opt_manager.converged(self.E, self.fq, self.dq, self.step_num, str_mode=str_mode)
[docs] def close(self): del self._Hq del self.params return self.opt_manager.finish()
@property def gX(self): return self._gX @gX.setter def gX(self, val): """gX must be set in order to perform an optimization. Cartesian only""" if val is None: self._gX = val else: val = self.attempt_fromiter(val) ncart = self.molsys.natom * 3 if val.ndim == 1 and val.size == ncart: self._gX = val else: if val.shape == (self.molsys.natom, 3): self._gX = np.ravel(val) else: raise TypeError(f"Gradient must an iterable with shape (3, {self.molsys.natom}) or (1, {ncart})") @property def HX(self): return self._HX @HX.setter def HX(self, val): """HX may be None i.e. not provided.""" if val is None: self._HX = val else: val = self.attempt_fromiter(val) dim = self.molsys.natom * 3 if val.shape == (dim, dim): self._HX = val elif val.ndim == 1 and len(val) == dim**2: self._HX = val.reshape(dim, dim) else: raise TypeError(f"Hessian must be a nxn iterable with n={self.molsys.natom * 3}") @property def E(self): if self._E is None: raise ValueError("No energy provided. OptHelper.E must be set") return self._E @E.setter def E(self, val): if isinstance(val, float) or val is None: self._E = val else: raise OptError("Energy must be of type float") @property def geom(self): return self.molsys.geom
[docs] @staticmethod def attempt_fromiter(array): if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): try: array = np.fromiter(array, dtype=float) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError) as error: raise ValueError("Could not convert input to numpy array") from error return array
[docs] def summarize_result(self): """Return final energy and geometry""" last_step = self.history.steps[-1] return last_step.E, last_step.geom
[docs] def status(self, str_mode=None): """get string message describing state of optimizer Returns ------- str : 'FAILED' if unrecoverable 'UNFINISHED-FAILED' if recoverable error 'UNFINISHED' optimization has not converged 'FINISHED' optimization converged """ if self.opt_manager.error == "OptError": return "FAILED" if self.opt_manager.error == "AlgError": self.HX = None self._Hq = None self.step_num = 0 return "UNFINISHED-FAILED" if self.test_convergence(str_mode) is True: return "CONVERGED" return "UNFINISHED"
[docs] class CustomHelper(Helper): """Class allows for easy setup of optking. Accepts custom forces, energies, and hessians from user. User will need to write a loop to perform optimization. examples -------- >>> import qcengine as qcng >>> from qcelemental.models import Molecule, OptimizationInput >>> from qcelemental.models.common_models import Model >>> from qcelemental.models.procedures import QCInputSpecification >>> opt_input = { ... "initial_molecule": { ... "symbols": ["O", "O", "H", "H"], ... "geometry": [ ... 0.0000000000, ... 0.0000000000, ... 0.0000000000, ... -0.0000000000, ... -0.0000000000, ... 2.7463569188, ... 1.3013018774, ... -1.2902977124, ... 2.9574871774, ... -1.3013018774, ... 1.2902977124, ... -0.2111302586, ... ], ... "fix_com": True, ... "fix_orientation": True, ... }, ... "input_specification": { ... "model": {"method": "hf", "basis": "sto-3g"}, ... "driver": "gradient", ... "keywords": {"d_convergence": "1e-7"}, ... }, ... "keywords": {"g_convergence": "GAU_TIGHT", "program": "psi4"}, ... } >>> for step in range(30): ... # Compute one's own energy and gradient ... E, gX = optking.lj_functions.calc_energy_and_gradient(opt.geom, 2.5, 0.01, True) ... # Insert these values into the 'user' computer. ... opt.E = E ... opt.gX = gX ... opt.compute() # process input. Get ready to take a step ... opt.take_step() ... conv = opt.test_convergence() ... if conv is True: ... print("Optimization SUCCESS:") ... break >>> else: ... print("Optimization FAILURE:\n") >>> json_output = opt.close() # create an unvalidated OptimizationOutput like object >>> E = json_output["energies"][-1] Notes ----- Overrides. gX, Hessian, and Energy to allow for user input.""" def __init__(self, mol_src, params={}, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- mol_src: [dict, qcel.models.Molecule, psi4.qcdb.Molecule] psi4 or qcelemental molecule to construct optking molecular system from """ opt_input = { "initial_molecule": {"symbols": [], "geometry": []}, "input_specification": {"keywords": {}, "model": {}}, } = optwrapper.make_computer(opt_input, "user") super().__init__(params, **kwargs) if isinstance(mol_src, qcel.models.Molecule): self.opt_input = mol_src.dict() self.molsys = molsys.Molsys.from_schema(self.opt_input) elif isinstance(mol_src, dict): tmp = qcel.models.Molecule(**mol_src).dict() self.opt_input = json.loads(qcel.util.serialization.json_dumps(tmp)) self.molsys = molsys.Molsys.from_schema(self.opt_input) else: import_psi4("Attempting to create molsys from psi4 molecule") import psi4 if isinstance(mol_src, (psi4.qcdb.Molecule, psi4.core.Molecule)): self.molsys, self.opt_input = molsys.Molsys.from_psi4(mol_src) else: try: self.molsys, self.opt_input = molsys.Molsys.from_psi4(psi4.core.get_active_molecule()) except Exception as error: raise OptError("Failed to grab psi4 molecule as last resort") from error = self.opt_input self.build_coordinates() self.opt_manager = OptimizationManager(self.molsys, self.history, self.params, self.opt_manager.step_number = 1
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): helper = super().from_dict(d) = compute_wrappers.make_computer_from_dict("user", d.get("computer")) helper.opt_manager = OptimizationManager.from_dict( d["opt_manager"], helper.molsys, helper.history, helper.params, ) return helper
def _compute(self): """The call to computer in this class is essentially a lookup for the value provided by the User.""" if self.HX is None: if "hessian" in self.calculations_needed(): if self.params.cart_hess_read: self.HX = hessian.from_file(self.params.hessian_file) # set ourselves if file _ =, driver="hessian") self.gX = self.fq = self.molsys.gradient_to_internals(self.gX, -1.0) self._Hq = self.molsys.hessian_to_internals(self.HX) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.apply_external_forces(self.fq, self._Hq) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.project_redundancies_and_constraints(self.fq, self._Hq) self.HX = None self.params.cart_hess_read = False self.params.hessian_file = None else: raise RuntimeError( "Optking requested a hessian but was not provided one. " "This could be a driver issue" ) elif self.step_num == 0: logger.debug("Guessing hessian") self._Hq = hessian.guess(self.molsys, guessType=self.params.intrafrag_hess) self.gX =, driver="gradient", return_full=False) self.fq = self.molsys.gradient_to_internals(self.gX, -1.0) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.apply_external_forces(self.fq, self._Hq) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.project_redundancies_and_constraints(self.fq, self._Hq) else: logger.debug("Updating hessian") self.gX =, driver="gradient", return_full=False) self.fq = self.molsys.gradient_to_internals(self.gX, -1.0) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.apply_external_forces(self.fq, self._Hq) self._Hq = self.history.hessian_update(self._Hq, self.fq, self.molsys) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.project_redundancies_and_constraints(self.fq, self._Hq) else: result =, driver="hessian") self.HX = self.gX = self.fq = self.molsys.gradient_to_internals(self.gX, -1.0) self._Hq = self.molsys.hessian_to_internals(self.HX) self.HX = None # set back to None self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.apply_external_forces(self.fq, self._Hq) self.fq, self._Hq = self.molsys.project_redundancies_and_constraints(self.fq, self._Hq)
[docs] def calculations_needed(self): """Assume gradient is always needed. Provide tuple with keys for required properties""" hessian_protocol = self.opt_manager.get_hessian_protocol() if hessian_protocol == "compute": return "energy", "gradient", "hessian" else: return "energy", "gradient"
@property def E(self): return super().E @property def HX(self): return super().HX @property def gX(self): return super().gX @E.setter def E(self, val): """Set energy in self and computer""" # call parent classes setter. Weird python syntax. Class will always be CustomHelper # self.__class__ could be a child class type. (No child class currently) # super() and super(__class__, self.__class__) should be equivalent but the latter is required? super(__class__, self.__class__).E.__set__(self, val) = val @HX.setter def HX(self, val): """Set hessian in self and computer""" super(__class__, self.__class__).HX.__set__(self, val) = val @gX.setter def gX(self, val): """Set gradient in self and computer""" super(__class__, self.__class__).gX.__set__(self, val) = val
[docs] class EngineHelper(Helper): """Perform an optimization using qcengine to compute properties. Use OptimizationInput to setup a molecular system calling `compute()` will perform a QCEngine calculation according to the provided QCInputSpecification. calling `optimize()` after instantiation will perform an automatic optimization returning an OptimizationResult. examples -------- >>> import optking >>> import qcengine as qcng >>> from qcelemental.models import Molecule, OptimizationInput >>> from qcelemental.models.common_models import Model >>> from qcelemental.models.procedures import QCInputSpecification >>> molecule = Molecule.from_data( ... symbols = ["O", "O", "H", "H"], ... geometry = [ ... 0.0000000000, ... 0.0000000000, ... 0.0000000000, ... -0.0000000000, ... -0.0000000000, ... 2.7463569188, ... 1.3013018774, ... -1.2902977124, ... 2.9574871774, ... -1.3013018774, ... 1.2902977124, ... -0.2111302586, ... ], ... fix_com=True, ... fix_orientation=True, ... ) >>> model = Model(method="hf", basis="sto-3g") >>> input_spec = QCInputSpecification( ... driver="gradient", model=model, keywords={"d_convergence": 1e-7} # QC program options ... ) >>> opt_input = OptimizationInput( ... initial_molecule=molecule, ... input_specification=input_spec, ... keywords={"g_convergence": "GAU_TIGHT", "program": "psi4"}, # optimizer options ... ) >>> opt = optking.EngineHelper(opt_input) >>> # opt_result = opt.optimize() # optimize geometry - no interaction >>> for step in range(30): ... # Compute one's own energy and gradient ... opt.compute() # process input. Get ready to take a step ... opt.take_step() ... conv = opt.test_convergence() ... if conv is True: ... print("Optimization SUCCESS:") ... break >>> else: ... print("Optimization FAILURE:\n") >>> json_output = opt.close() # create an unvalidated OptimizationOutput like object >>> E = json_output["energies"][-1] """ def __init__(self, optimization_input, **kwargs): """Create an EngineHelper. Can optimize interactivly or non interactively. Parameters ---------- optimization_input: Union[qcelemental.procedures.OptimizationInput, dict] """ if isinstance(optimization_input, qcel.models.OptimizationInput): self.opt_input = optimization_input.dict() elif isinstance(optimization_input, dict): tmp = qcel.models.OptimizationInput(**optimization_input).dict() self.opt_input = json.loads(qcel.util.serialization.json_dumps(tmp)) # self.calc_name = self.opt_input['input_specification']['model']['method'] super().__init__(self.opt_input["keywords"], **kwargs) self.molsys = molsys.Molsys.from_schema(self.opt_input["initial_molecule"]) = optwrapper.make_computer(self.opt_input, "qc") self.computer_type = "qc" self.build_coordinates() self.opt_manager = OptimizationManager(self.molsys, self.history, self.params,
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): helper = super().from_dict(d) = compute_wrappers.make_computer_from_dict("qc", d.get("computer")) helper.opt_manager = OptimizationManager.from_dict( d["opt_manager"], helper.molsys, helper.history, helper.params, ) return helper
def _compute(self): protocol = self.opt_manager.get_hessian_protocol() requires = self.opt_manager.opt_method.requires() self._Hq, _, self.gX, self.E = get_pes_info( self._Hq,, self.molsys, self.history, self.params, protocol, requires ) self.fq = self.molsys.gradient_to_internals(self.gX, -1.0)
[docs] def optimize(self): """Creating an EngineHelper and calling optimize() is equivalent to calling the deprecated optimize_qcengine() with an OptimizationInput. However, EngineHelper will maintain its state.""" self.opt_input = optimize(self.molsys,
# update molecular system # set E, g_x, and hessian to have their last values # set step_number # set self.history to match history.