Source code for optking.optparams

# OptParams is a class to store all of the optimization parameters.
# The init function will receive a User Option Dictionary (uod) which can
# override default values.
# P = parameters ('self')
# Option keys in the input dictionary are interpreted case-insensitively.
# The enumerated string types are translated to all upper-case within the parameter object.
import logging

from .exceptions import AlgError, OptError
from .misc import int_float_list, int_fx_string, int_list, int_xyz_float_list, int_xyz_fx_string, tokenize_input_string

# Class for enumerated string options.
[docs] def string_option(storage_name): def string_option_getter(instance): return instance.__dict__[storage_name] def string_option_setter(instance, value): if value.upper() in allowedStringOptions[storage_name]: instance.__dict__[storage_name] = value.upper() else: raise OptError("Invalid value for " + storage_name) return property(string_option_getter, string_option_setter)
# The keys on the left here should be lower-case, as should the storage name of the property. allowedStringOptions = { "opt_type": ("MIN", "TS", "IRC"), "step_type": ("RFO", "P_RFO", "NR", "SD", "LINESEARCH", "CONJUGATE"), "opt_coordinates": ( "REDUNDANT", "INTERNAL", "DELOCALIZED", "NATURAL", "CARTESIAN", "BOTH", ), "irc_direction": ("FORWARD", "BACKWARD"), "g_convergence": ( "QCHEM", "MOLPRO", "GAU", "GAU_LOOSE", "GAU_TIGHT", "GAU_VERYTIGHT", "TURBOMOLE", "CFOUR", "NWCHEM_LOOSE", "INTERFRAG_TIGHT", ), "hess_update": ("NONE", "BFGS", "MS", "POWELL", "BOFILL"), "intrafrag_hess": ("SCHLEGEL", "FISCHER", "SCHLEGEL", "SIMPLE", "LINDH", "LINDH_SIMPLE"), "frag_mode": ("SINGLE", "MULTI"), "interfrag_mode": ("FIXED", "PRINCIPAL_AXES"), "interfrag_hess": ("DEFAULT", "FISCHER_LIKE"), "conjugate_gradient_type": ("FLETCHER", "DESCENT", "POLAK") } # def enum_key( enum_type, value): # printxopt([key for key, val in enum_type.__dir__.items() if val == value][0])
[docs] class OptParams(object): # define properties opt_type = string_option("opt_type") step_type = string_option("step_type") opt_coordinates = string_option("opt_coordinates") irc_direction = string_option("irc_direction") g_convergence = string_option("g_convergence") hess_update = string_option("hess_update") intrafrag_hess = string_option("intrafrag_hess") frag_mode = string_option("frag_mode") conjugate_gradient_type = string_option("conjugate_gradient_type") # interfrag_mode = stringOption( 'interfrag_mode' ) # interfrag_hess = stringOption( 'interfrag_hess' ) def __str__(self): s = "\n\t\t -- Optimization Parameters --\n" for attr in dir(self): if not hasattr(getattr(self, attr), "__self__"): # omit bound methods if "__" not in attr: # omit these methods s += "\t%-30s = %15s\n" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) s += "\n" return s def __init__(self, uod): self.program = uod.get("program", "psi4") # SUBSECTION Optimization Algorithm # Maximum number of geometry optimization steps self.geom_maxiter = uod.get("geom_maxiter", 50) # If user sets one, assume this. if "geom_maxiter" in uod and "alg_geom_maxiter" not in uod: self.alg_geom_maxiter = self.geom_maxiter else: # Maximum number of geometry optimization steps for one algorithm self.alg_geom_maxiter = uod.get("alg_geom_maxiter", 50) # Print level. 1 = normal # P.print_lvl = uod.get('print_lvl', 1) self.print_lvl = uod.get("print", 1) # Print all optimization parameters. # P.printxopt_params = uod.get('printxopt_PARAMS', False) self.output_type = uod.get("OUTPUT_TYPE", "FILE") # Specifies minimum search, transition-state search, or IRC following # P.stringOptionsSetter(stringOption('opt_type') self.opt_type = uod.get("OPT_TYPE", "MIN") # Geometry optimization step type, e.g., Newton-Raphson or Rational Function Optimization self.step_type = uod.get("STEP_TYPE", "RFO") # variation of steepest descent step size self.steepest_descent_type = uod.get("STEEPEST_DESCENT_TYPE", "OVERLAP") # Conjugate gradient step types. See wikipedia on Nonlinear_conjugate_gradient # "POLAK" for Polak-Ribiere. Polak, E.; Ribière, G. (1969). # Revue Française d'Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. 3 (1): 35–43. # "FLETCHER" for Fletcher-Reeves. Fletcher, R.; Reeves, C. M. (1964). self.conjugate_gradient_type = uod.get("CONJUGATE_GRADIENT_TYPE", "FLETCHER") # Geometry optimization coordinates to use. # REDUNDANT and INTERNAL are synonyms and the default. # DELOCALIZED are the coordinates of Baker. # NATURAL are the coordinates of Pulay. # CARTESIAN uses only cartesian coordinates. # BOTH uses both redundant and cartesian coordinates. self.opt_coordinates = uod.get("OPT_COORDINATES", "REDUNDANT") # Do follow the initial RFO vector after the first step? self.rfo_follow_root = uod.get("RFO_FOLLOW_ROOT", False) # Root for RFO to follow, 0 being lowest (typical for a minimum) self.rfo_root = uod.get("RFO_ROOT", 0) # Whether to accept geometry steps that lower the molecular point group. self.accept_symmetry_breaking = uod.get("ACCEPT_SYMMETRY_BREAKING", False) # Starting level for dynamic optimization (0=nondynamic, higher=>more conservative) self.dynamic_level = uod.get("DYNAMIC_LEVEL", 0) if self.dynamic_level == 0: # don't change parameters self.dynamic_level_max = 0 else: self.dynamic_level_max = uod.get("DYNAMIC_LEVEL_MAX", 6) # 6 currently defined # IRC step size in bohr(amu)\ $^{1/2}$. self.irc_step_size = uod.get("IRC_STEP_SIZE", 0.2) # IRC mapping direction self.irc_direction = uod.get("IRC_DIRECTION", "FORWARD") # Decide when to stop IRC calculations self.irc_points = uod.get("IRC_POINTS", 20) # # Initial maximum step size in bohr or radian along an internal coordinate self.intrafrag_trust = uod.get("INTRAFRAG_STEP_LIMIT", 0.5) # Lower bound for dynamic trust radius [a/u] self.intrafrag_trust_min = uod.get("INTRAFRAG_STEP_LIMIT_MIN", 0.001) # Upper bound for dynamic trust radius [au] self.intrafrag_trust_max = uod.get("INTRAFRAG_STEP_LIMIT_MAX", 1.0) # Maximum step size in bohr or radian along an interfragment coordinate self.interfrag_trust = uod.get("INTERFRAG_TRUST", 0.5) # Lower bound for dynamic trust radius [a/u] self.interfrag_trust_min = uod.get("INTERFRAG_TRUST_MIN", 0.001) # Upper bound for dynamic trust radius [au] self.interfrag_trust_max = uod.get("INTERFRAG_TRUST_MAX", 1.0) # Reduce step size as necessary to ensure convergence of back-transformation of # internal coordinate step to cartesian coordinates. self.ensure_bt_convergence = uod.get("ENSURE_BT_CONVERGENCE", False) # Do simple, linear scaling of internal coordinates to step limit (not RS-RFO) if self.intrafrag_trust_max < self.intrafrag_trust: self.intrafrag_trust = self.intrafrag_trust_max self.simple_step_scaling = uod.get("SIMPLE_STEP_SCALING", False) # Set number of consecutive backward steps allowed in optimization self.consecutive_backsteps_allowed = uod.get("CONSECUTIVE_BACKSTEPS", 0) self.working_consecutive_backsteps = 0 # Eigenvectors of RFO matrix whose final column is smaller than this are ignored. self.rfo_normalization_max = uod.get("RFO_NORMALIZATION_MAX", 100) # Absolute maximum value of RS-RFO. self.rsrfo_alpha_max = uod.get("RSRFO_ALPHA_MAX", 1e8) # New in python version self.trajectory = uod.get("TRAJECTORY", False) # Specify distances between atoms to be frozen (unchanged) frozen = uod.get("FROZEN_DISTANCE", "") self.frozen_distance = int_list(tokenize_input_string(frozen), 2) # Specify angles between atoms to be frozen (unchanged) frozen = uod.get("FROZEN_BEND", "") self.frozen_bend = int_list(tokenize_input_string(frozen), 3) # Specify dihedral angles between atoms to be frozen (unchanged) frozen = uod.get("FROZEN_DIHEDRAL", "") self.frozen_dihedral = int_list(tokenize_input_string(frozen), 4) # Specify out-of-plane angles between atoms to be frozen (unchanged) frozen = uod.get("FROZEN_OOFP", "") self.frozen_oofp = int_list(tokenize_input_string(frozen), 4) # Specify atom and X, XY, XYZ, ... to be frozen (unchanged) frozen = uod.get("FROZEN_CARTESIAN", "") self.frozen_cartesian = int_xyz_float_list(tokenize_input_string(frozen), 1, 1, 0) # Specify distance between atoms to be ranged ranged = uod.get("RANGED_DISTANCE", "") self.ranged_distance = int_float_list(tokenize_input_string(ranged), 2, 2) # Specify angles between atoms to be ranged ranged = uod.get("RANGED_BEND", "") self.ranged_bend = int_float_list(tokenize_input_string(ranged), 3, 2) # Specify dihedral angles between atoms to be ranged ranged = uod.get("RANGED_DIHEDRAL", "") self.ranged_dihedral = int_float_list(tokenize_input_string(ranged), 4, 2) # Specify out-of-plane angles between atoms to be ranged ranged = uod.get("RANGED_OOFP", "") self.ranged_oofp = int_float_list(tokenize_input_string(ranged), 4, 2) # Specify atom and X, XY, XYZ, ... to be ranged ranged = uod.get("RANGED_CARTESIAN", "") self.ranged_cartesian = int_xyz_float_list(tokenize_input_string(ranged), 1, 1, 2) # Specify distances for which extra force will be added force = uod.get("EXT_FORCE_DISTANCE", "") self.ext_force_distance = int_fx_string(force, 2) # Specify angles for which extra force will be added force = uod.get("EXT_FORCE_BEND", "") self.ext_force_bend = int_fx_string(force, 3) # Specify dihedral angles for which extra force will be added force = uod.get("EXT_FORCE_DIHEDRAL", "") self.ext_force_dihedral = int_fx_string(force, 4) # Specify out-of-plane angles for which extra force will be added force = uod.get("EXT_FORCE_OOFP", "") self.ext_force_oofp = int_fx_string(force, 4) # Specify cartesian coordinates for which extra force will be added force = uod.get("EXT_FORCE_CARTESIAN", "") self.ext_force_cartesian = int_xyz_fx_string(force, 1) # Should an xyz trajectory file be kept (useful for visualization)? # P.print_trajectory_xyz = uod.get('PRINT_TRAJECTORY_XYZ', False) # Symmetry tolerance for testing whether a mode is symmetric. # P.symm_tol("SYMM_TOL", 0.05) # # SUBSECTION Convergence Control. # Set of optimization criteria. Specification of any MAX_*_G_CONVERGENCE # RMS_*_G_CONVERGENCE options will append to overwrite the criteria set here # |optking__flexible_g_convergence| is also on. # See Table :ref:`Geometry Convergence <table:optkingconv>` for details. self.g_convergence = uod.get("G_CONVERGENCE", "QCHEM") # Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: maximum force (internal coordinates, au) self.max_force_g_convergence = uod.get("MAX_FORCE_G_CONVERGENCE", 3.0e-4) # Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: rms force (internal coordinates, au) self.rms_force_g_convergence = uod.get("RMS_FORCE_G_CONVERGENCE", 3.0e-4) # Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: maximum energy change self.max_energy_g_convergence = uod.get("MAX_ENERGY_G_CONVERGENCE", 1.0e-6) # Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: # maximum displacement (internal coordinates, au) self.max_disp_g_convergence = uod.get("MAX_DISP_G_CONVERGENCE", 1.2e-3) # Convergence criterion for geometry optmization: # rms displacement (internal coordinates, au) self.rms_disp_g_convergence = uod.get("RMS_DISP_G_CONVERGENCE", 1.2e-3) # Even if a user-defined threshold is set, allow for normal, flexible convergence criteria self.flexible_g_convergence = uod.get("FLEXIBLE_G_CONVERGENCE", False) # # SUBSECTION Hessian Update # Hessian update scheme self.hess_update = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE", "BFGS") # Number of previous steps to use in Hessian update, 0 uses all self.hess_update_use_last = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE_USE_LAST", 4) # Do limit the magnitude of changes caused by the Hessian update? self.hess_update_limit = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT", True) # If |hess_update_limit| is True, changes to the Hessian from the update are limited # to the larger of |hess_update_limit_scale| * (current value) and # |hess_update_limit_max| [au]. By default, a Hessian value cannot be changed by more # than 50% and 1 au. self.hess_update_limit_max = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_MAX", 1.00) self.hess_update_limit_scale = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE_LIMIT_SCALE", 0.50) # Denominator check for hessian update. self.hess_update_den_tol = uod.get("HESS_UPDATE_DEN_TOL", 1e-7) # Hessian update is avoided if any internal coordinate has changed by # more than this in radians/au self.hess_update_dq_tol = 0.5 # SUBSECTION Using external Hessians # Do read Cartesian Hessian? Only for experts - use # |optking__full_hess_every| instead. self.cart_hess_read = uod.get("CART_HESS_READ", False) self.hessian_file = uod.get("HESSIAN_FILE", None) # Frequency with which to compute the full Hessian in the course # of a geometry optimization. 0 means to compute the initial Hessian only, # 1 means recompute every step, and N means recompute every N steps. The # default (-1) is to never compute the full Hessian. self.full_hess_every = uod.get("FULL_HESS_EVERY", -1) # Model Hessian to guess intrafragment force constants self.intrafrag_hess = uod.get("INTRAFRAG_HESS", "SCHLEGEL") # Re-estimate the Hessian at every step, i.e., ignore the currently stored Hessian. # self.h_guess_every = uod.get("H_GUESS_EVERY", False) self.working_steps_since_last_H = 0 # # SUBSECTION Backtransformation to Cartesian Coordinates Control self.bt_max_iter = uod.get("bt_max_iter", 25) self.bt_dx_conv = uod.get("bt_dx_conv", 1.0e-7) self.bt_dx_rms_change_conv = uod.get("bt_dx_rms_change_conv", 1.0e-12) # The following should be used whenever redundancies in the coordinates # are removed, in particular when forces and Hessian are projected and # in back-transformation from delta(q) to delta(x). self.bt_pinv_rcond = uod.get("bt_pinv_rcond", 1.0e-6) # # For multi-fragment molecules, treat as single bonded molecule or via interfragment # coordinates. A primary difference is that in ``MULTI`` mode, the interfragment # coordinates are not redundant. self.frag_mode = uod.get("FRAG_MODE", "SINGLE") # Which atoms define the reference points for interfragment coordinates? self.frag_ref_atoms = uod.get("FRAG_REF_ATOMS", None) # Do freeze all fragments rigid? self.freeze_intrafrag = uod.get("FREEZE_INTRAFRAG", False) # Do freeze all interfragment modes? # P.inter_frag = uod.get('FREEZE_INTERFRAG', False) # When interfragment coordinates are present, use as reference points either # principal axes or fixed linear combinations of atoms. self.interfrag_mode = uod.get("INTERFRAG_MODE", "FIXED") # Do add bond coordinates at nearby atoms for non-bonded systems? self.add_auxiliary_bonds = uod.get('ADD_AUXILIARY_BONDS', False) # This factor times standard covalent distance is used to add extra stretch coordinates. self.auxiliary_bond_factor = uod.get('AUXILIARY_BOND_FACTOR', 2.5) # Do use 1/R for the interfragment stretching coordinate instead of R? self.interfrag_dist_inv = uod.get("INTERFRAG_DIST_INV", False) # Used for determining which atoms in a system are too collinear to # be chosen as default reference atoms. We avoid collinearity. Greater # is more restrictive. self.interfrag_collinear_tol = uod.get("INTERFRAG_COLLINEAR_TOL", 0.01) # Let the user submit a dictionary (or array of dictionaries) for # the interfrag coordinates. self.interfrag_coords = uod.get("INTERFRAG_COORDS", None) # Finish multifragment option setup by forcing frag_mode: MULTI if DimerCoords are provided if self.interfrag_coords is not None: self.frag_mode = "MULTI" # Model Hessian to guess interfragment force constants # P.interfrag_hess = uod.get('INTERFRAG_HESS', 'DEFAULT') # When determining connectivity, a bond is assigned if interatomic distance # is less than (this number) * sum of covalent radii. self.covalent_connect = uod.get("COVALENT_CONNECT", 1.3) # When connecting disparate fragments when frag_mode = SIMPLE, a "bond" # is assigned if interatomic distance is less than (this number) * sum of covalent radii. # The value is then increased until all the fragments are connected directly # or indirectly. self.interfragment_connect = uod.get("INTERFRAGMENT_CONNECT", 1.8) # General, maximum distance for the definition of H-bonds. self.h_bond_connect = uod.get("h_bond_connect", 4.3) # Only generate the internal coordinates and then stop (boolean) self.generate_intcos_exit = uod.get("GENERATE_INTCOS_EXIT", False) # Add out-of-plane angles (usually not needed) self.include_oofp = uod.get("INCLUDE_OOFP", False) # # # SUBSECTION Misc. # Do save and print the geometry from the last projected step at the end # of a geometry optimization? Otherwise (and by default), save and print # the previous geometry at which was computed the gradient that satisfied # the convergence criteria. # P.final_geom_write = uod.get('FINAL_GEOM_WRITE', False) # Do test B matrix? self.test_B = uod.get("TEST_B", False) # Do test derivative B matrix? self.test_derivative_B = uod.get("TEST_DERIVATIVE_B", False) # Keep internal coordinate definition file. self.keep_intcos = uod.get("KEEP_INTCOS", False) self.linesearch_step = uod.get("LINESEARCH_STEP", 0.100) self.linesearch = uod.get("LINESEARCH", False) # Guess at Hessian in steepest-descent direction. self.sd_hessian = uod.get("SD_HESSIAN", 1.0) # # --- Complicated defaults --- # # Assume RFO means P-RFO for transition states. if self.opt_type == "TS": if self.step_type == "RFO" or "STEP_TYPE" not in uod: self.step_type = "P_RFO" if "GEOM_MAXITER" not in uod: if self.opt_type == "IRC": self.geom_maxiter = self.irc_points * self.geom_maxiter # Initial Hessian guess for cartesians with coordinates BOTH is stupid, so don't scale # step size down too much. Steepest descent has no good hessian either. if "INTRAFRAG_TRUST_MIN" not in uod: if self.opt_coordinates == "BOTH": self.intrafrag_trust_min = self.intrafrag_trust / 2.0 elif self.step_type == "SD": # steepest descent, use constant stepsize self.intrafrag_trust_min = self.intrafrag_trust elif any( [ self.ext_force_distance, self.ext_force_bend, self.ext_force_dihedral, self.ext_force_oofp, self.ext_force_cartesian, ] ): # with external forces, the check for trust radius will be inapt # so don't let minimum step get shrunk too much. self.intrafrag_trust_min = self.intrafrag_trust / 2.0 # Original Lindh specification was to redo at every step. if "H_GUESS_EVERY" not in uod and self.intrafrag_hess == "LINDH": self.h_guess_every = True # Default for cartesians: use Lindh force field for initial guess, then BFGS. if self.opt_coordinates == "CARTESIAN": if "INTRAFRAG_HESS" not in uod: self.intrafrag_hess = "LINDH" if "H_GUESS_EVERY" not in uod: self.H_guess_every = False # Set Bofill as default for TS optimizations. if self.opt_type == "TS" or self.opt_type == "IRC": if "HESS_UPDATE" not in uod: self.hess_update = "BOFILL" # Make trajectory file printing the default for IRC. if self.opt_type == "IRC" and "PRINT_TRAJECTORY_XYZ_FILE" not in uod: self.print_trajectory_xyz_file = True # Read cartesian Hessian by default for IRC. if self.opt_type == "IRC" and "CART_HESS_READ" not in uod: self.read_cartesian_H = True if self.generate_intcos_exit: self.keep_intcos = True # For IRC, we will need a Hessian. Compute it if not provided. # Set full_hess_every to 0 if -1 if self.opt_type == "IRC" and self.full_hess_every < 0: self.full_hess_every = 0 # self.cart_hess_read = True # not sure about this one - test # if steepest-descent, then make much larger default if self.step_type == "SD" and "CONSECUTIVE_BACKSTEPS" not in uod: self.consecutive_backsteps_allowed = 10 # For RFO step, eigenvectors of augmented Hessian are divided by the last # element unless it is smaller than this value {double}. Can be used to # eliminate asymmetric steps not otherwise detected (e.g. in degenerate # point groups). For multi-fragment modes, we presume that smaller # Delta-E's are possible, and this threshold should be made larger. # if P.fragment_mode == 'MULTI' and 'RFO_NORMALIZATION_MAX' not in uod: # P.rfo_normalization_max = 1.0e5 # If arbitrary user forces, don't shrink step_size if Delta(E) is poor. # -- Items below are unlikely to need modified # Boundary to guess if a torsion or out-of-plane angle has passed through 180 # during a step. self.fix_val_near_pi = 1.57 # Torsional angles will not be computed if the contained bond angles are within # this many radians of zero or 180. (< ~1 and > ~179 degrees) # only used in self.v3d_tors_angle_lim = 0.017 # cos(torsional angle) must be this close to -1/+1 for angle to count as 0/pi # only used in self.v3d_tors_cos_tol = 1e-10 # if bend exceeds this value, then also create linear bend complement self.linear_bend_threshold = 3.05 # about 175 degrees # If bend is smaller than this value, then never fix its associated vectors # this allows iterative steps through and near zero degrees. self.small_bend_fix_threshold = 0.35 # Threshold for which entries in diagonalized redundant matrix are kept and # inverted while computing a generalized inverse of a matrix self.redundant_eval_tol = 1.0e-10 # to be deprecated. # # --- SET INTERNAL OPTIMIZATION PARAMETERS --- self.i_max_force = False self.i_rms_force = False self.i_max_DE = False self.i_max_disp = False self.i_rms_disp = False self.i_untampered = False self.conv_rms_force = -1 self.conv_rms_disp = -1 self.conv_max_DE = -1 self.conv_max_force = -1 self.conv_max_disp = -1 # if self.g_convergence == "QCHEM": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 3.0e-4 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_max_DE = 1.0e-6 self.i_max_DE = True self.conv_max_disp = 1.2e-3 self.i_max_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "MOLPRO": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 3.0e-4 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_max_DE = 1.0e-6 self.i_max_DE = True self.conv_max_disp = 3.0e-4 self.i_max_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "GAU": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 4.5e-4 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 3.0e-4 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 1.8e-3 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 1.2e-3 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "GAU_TIGHT": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 1.5e-5 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 1.0e-5 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 6.0e-5 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 4.0e-5 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "GAU_VERYTIGHT": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 2.0e-6 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 1.0e-6 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 6.0e-6 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 4.0e-6 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "GAU_LOOSE": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 2.5e-3 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 1.7e-3 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 1.0e-2 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 6.7e-3 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "TURBOMOLE": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 1.0e-3 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 5.0e-4 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_DE = 1.0e-6 self.i_max_DE = True self.conv_max_disp = 1.0e-3 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 5.0e-4 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "CFOUR": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_rms_force = 1.0e-4 self.i_rms_force = True elif self.g_convergence == "NWCHEM_LOOSE": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_force = 4.5e-3 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 3.0e-3 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 5.4e-3 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 3.6e-3 self.i_rms_disp = True elif self.g_convergence == "INTERFRAG_TIGHT": self.i_untampered = True self.conv_max_DE = 1.0e-5 self.i_max_DE = True self.conv_max_force = 1.5e-5 self.i_max_force = True self.conv_rms_force = 1.0e-5 self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_max_disp = 6.0e-4 self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = 4.0e-4 self.i_rms_disp = True # --- Specific optimization criteria if "MAX_FORCE_G_CONVERGENCE" in uod: self.i_untampered = False self.i_max_force = True self.conv_max_force = self.max_force_g_convergence if "RMS_FORCE_G_CONVERGENCE" in uod: self.i_untampered = False self.i_rms_force = True self.conv_rms_force = self.rms_force_g_convergence if "MAX_ENERGY_G_CONVERGENCE" in uod: self.i_untampered = False self.i_max_DE = True self.conv_max_DE = self.max_energy_g_convergence if "MAX_DISP_G_CONVERGENCE" in uod: self.i_untampered = False self.i_max_disp = True self.conv_max_disp = self.max_disp_g_convergence if "RMS_DISP_G_CONVERGENCE" in uod: self.i_untampered = False self.i_rms_disp = True self.conv_rms_disp = self.rms_disp_g_convergence # Even if a specific threshold were given, allow for Molpro/Qchem/G03 flex criteria if self.flexible_g_convergence: self.i_untampered = True # end __init__ finally !
[docs] @classmethod def from_internal_dict(cls, params): """Assumes that params does not use the input key and syntax, but uses the internal names and internal syntax. Meant to be used for recreating options object after dump to dict """ options = cls({}) # basic default options opt_dict = options.__dict__ for key, val in opt_dict.items(): options.__dict__[key] = params.get(key, val) return options
# for specialists def __setitem__(self, key, value): return setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def update_dynamic_level_params(self, run_level): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #TODO? """ *dynamic step coord trust backsteps criteria * run_level for downmove for upmove * 0 RFO RI dynamic no none none * 1 RFO RI dynamic(d) no 1 bad step * 2 RFO RI smaller yes (1) 1 bad step * 3 RFO BOTH small yes (1) 1 bad step * 4 RFO XYZ large yes (1) 1 bad step * 5 RFO XYZ small yes (1) 1 bad step * 6 SD XYZ large yes (1) 1 bad step * 7 SD XYZ small yes (1) 1 bad step * 8 abort * BackStep: * DE > 0 in minimization * BadStep: * DE > 0 and backsteps exceeded and iterations > 5 ** OR ** * badly defined internal coordinate or derivative """ if run_level == 0: pass elif run_level == 1: self.opt_coordinates = "REDUNDANT" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 0 self.step_type = "RFO""Going to run_level 1: Red. Int., RFO, no backsteps, default, dynamic trust. ~") elif run_level == 2: self.opt_coordinates = "REDUNDANT" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 2 self.step_type = "RFO" self.intrafrag_trust = 0.2 self.intrafrag_trust_min = 0.2 self.intrafrag_trust_max = 0.2 logger.warning("Going to run_level 2: Red. Int., RFO, 2 backstep, smaller trust. ~") elif run_level == 3: self.opt_coordinates = "BOTH" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 2 self.step_type = "RFO" self.intrafrag_trust = 0.1 self.intrafrag_trust_min = 0.1 self.intrafrag_trust_max = 0.1 logger.warning("Going to run_level 3: Red. Int. + XYZ, RFO, 2 backstep, smaller trust. ~") elif run_level == 4: self.opt_coordinates = "CARTESIAN" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 2 self.step_type = "RFO" self.intrafrag_hess = "LINDH" self.intrafrag_trust = 0.2 self.intrafrag_trust_min = 0.2 self.intrafrag_trust_max = 0.2 logger.warning("Going to run_level 4: XYZ, RFO, 2 backstep, smaller trust. ~") elif run_level == 5: self.opt_coordinates = "CARTESIAN" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 2 self.step_type = "SD" self.sd_hessian = 0.3 self.intrafrag_trust = 0.3 self.intrafrag_trust_min = 0.3 self.intrafrag_trust_max = 0.3 logger.warning("Going to run_level 5: XYZ, SD, 2 backstep, average trust. ~") elif run_level == 6: self.opt_coordinates = "CARTESIAN" self.consecutiveBackstepsAllowed = 2 self.step_type = "SD" self.sd_hessian = 0.6 self.intrafrag_trust = 0.1 self.intrafrag_trust_min = 0.1 self.intrafrag_trust_max = 0.1 logger.warning("Moving to run_level 6: XYZ, SD, 2 backstep, smaller trust. ~") else: raise OptError("Unknown value of run_level")
Params = 0